Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Capital Budgeting

Pengertian Capital Budgeting
Penganggaran Modal (Capital Budgeting) terkait dengan proses pengambilan keputusan investasi jangka panjang, yang memiliki dampak strategis bagi kelangsungan hidup perusahaan.
Macam-macam Keputusan Penganggaran Modal (1)
Ditinjau dari aspek penghematan biaya dan peningkatan pendapatan usulan investasi dikelompokkan sbb:
1.Penggantian (Replecement)
2.Perluasan (Expansion)
3.Pertumbuhan (Growth)
Macam-macam Keputusan Penganggaran Modal (2)
Ditinjau dari tingkat ketergantungan, usulan proyek investasi dikelompokkan sbb:
1.Independent project
2.Mutually exclusive project
3.Complement project
4.Subtitutes project
Metode Penilaian Usulan Investasi
Metode untuk menilai kelayakan dari suatu usulan proyek investasi, diantaranya:
1.Payback Period (PBP)
2.Net Present Value (NPV)
3.Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Payback Period
Adalah periode waktu yang diperlukan untuk menutup kembali seluruh investasi awal yang dikeluarkan dengan mempergunakan arus kas masuk yang diperoleh dari proyek tersebut
Proyek bersifat mutually exclusive
Net Present Value (NPV)
Adalah metode yang didasarkan pada arus kas yang didiskonto. Implementasi dari metode ini, pertama harus dihitung nilai sekarang dari arus kas masuk bersih yang diharapkan dari suatu proyek investasi, didiskonto dengan biaya modal dan kemudian dikurangi dengan investasi awal
Rumus NPV

               NCF1      NCF2                   NCFn
NPV = { ---------- + ---------- +  ----- +  -----------  } – Io
                  1             2                           n
                 (1+k)       (1+k)                    (1+k) 

1 komentar:

  1. I could not have closed on my first home without Mr, Pedro ! Pedro and his team went above and beyond for me on this transaction. He handled my very tight turn around time with ease and was always available for me when I had questions (and I had plenty), even when he was away from the office, which I greatly appreciated! He and his team handled many last-minute scrambles with the seller and worked tirelessly to make sure that I could close before my lease (and my down payment assistance, for that matter) expired. Mr Pedro is an incredibly knowledgeable Loan Officer, courteous, and patient. I went through a couple offers on properties before my final purchase and Pedro was there to help with each one, often coordinating with my agent behind the scenes. I felt supported throughout the entire process. Thanks to Pedro and the tireless efforts of his team, I am now a proud homeowner! I would encourage you to consider Pedro and his loan company for any kind of loan.

    Mr, Pedro Loan Offer

    Email- pedroloanss@gmail.com.
